Note: All links will take you to a new web page. Hold Ctrl and click on a link to open in a new window/tab
Biblical Psychotherapy:
Reclaiming Scriptural Narratives For Posotive Psychology and Suicide Prevention
Kalman J. Kaplan, PhD & Paul Cantz, PsyD, ABPP
High Holiday Study 2018: Rabbis Yehiel Poupko, Peter Knobel, Ilana Baden and Shoshana Conover
CBR 11 Elul 5778 From Imitatio Dei to Imitatio Hominis Texts for Framing Difficult Sermon Topics.
Yizkor and Kaddish as Tools for Continuing the Conversation With Those Who Are Gone: Rabbi Anne Brener, May 16, 2018
JUF Annual Study Institute for the Rabbinate and Senior Staff of The Jewish Federation – October 30, 2014
Scholar-in-Residence (and newly appointed President of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion) Rabbi Aaron Panken gave two presentations.
Intro Audio
Session #1 Making Peace in a World of Strife: Rabbinic Musings on Peacemaking
Audio Text
Session #2 Immigrants to New Lands: Challenges and Opportunities of the American Rabbinate Audio Text
Big Tent Zionism – “Speaking about Israel from Our Pulpits” – September 17, 2014
Rabbis Paul Cohen, Michael Schwab and Lizzi Haydemann present on how they approach Israel from our pulpits or our classrooms. Part of the ongoing Big Tent Zionism series Audio
Regional Yom Iyun – September 4, 2014
Ethics for Jewish Chaplains with Rabbi Peter Knobel, Chaplain Karen Lieberman, and Rabbi Joe Ozarowski Audio Text
CBR Sermon Seminar with Reb Mimi Feigelson – August 27, 2014
Session #1 The Moment God Lost God’s Vision: Leadership and Mastery in the 21st Century Audio Text
Session #2 T’shuva: Compartmentalization or Gestalt? Audio Text
CBR Kallah: “What Rabbis Should Know about Academic Scholarship of the Talmud” – June 11, 2014
Presented by Northwestern University professor Rabbi Barry Wimpfheimer Audio
Study of the Haggadah and Passover – March 19, 2014
Presented by Rabbi Yehiel Poupko Audio
God or Torah? A Study of Mesechet Brachot, 27b – January 15, 2014
Presented by Northwestern University visiting scholar Dr. Yakir Englander (bio)
Please utilize Talmud Brachot 27b and Talmud Bava M’tziah 59b while listening to presentation Audio
Torah Lishmah with Rabbi Dr. Shai Held – January 6, 2014
Halakha and Human Goodness: Three Maimonidean Explorations Audio Text
Presentation of Recent Pew Study of American Jews and Judaism – December 18, 2013
Presented by Jack Ukeles and Peter Friedman: Audio
Rabbinic Mission: Status of Rome in Early Israel Rabbinic Sources – December 9, 2013
Presented by Rabbi Yehiel Poupko: Audio Text
The Halakhic Status of Christianity and Entering into Churches – November 25, 2013
Presented by Rabbi Yona Reiss (bio): Audio Text
Rev. Kenneth Meshoe, presented by Stand with Us and the Pro Heritage Educational Fund – November 18, 2013
JUF Rabbinic Action Study – “Tsedek U’mishpat: The Ideas, the Halakhot, and the Contemporary Practice of Social Justice” – October 31, 2013
Rabbi Saul Berman of Yeshiva University and Columbia University Audio
Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious Studies Action Center of the URJ, and Suzanne Strassberger, Associate Vice President, Government & Community Partnerships, Public Affairs, at the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Audio
Lessons on Resilience: Paths to Healing with Rabbi Simkha Weintraub, LCSW – October 29, 2013
Presented by the Community Services Department of Jewish Family & Child Services Audio
Rabbi Simkha Weintraub of The Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services (JBFCS) speaking in Milwaukee, WI
Chicago/Midwest Jewish Chaplain’s Group Yom Iyun – October 28, 2013
Rabbi Simkha Weintraub of The Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services (JBFCS) of New York on “The Torah of Chronic Illness”: Audio 1 Audio 2
Torah Lishma with Rabbi Yona Reiss (bio)
Rav Ovadia Yosef’s teshuva permitting the remarriage of agunot following the 9/11 World Trade Center Tragedy: Audio Text
High Holiday Study with Rabbi Yehiel Poupko, August 21, 2013
Two Perspectives on Teshuva: Moses and Daniel: Audio Text
Sermon Seminar/Rabbinic Kallah with Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz (bio), June 5, 2013
Session 1: audio, text
Session 2: audio, text
Special Torah Lishmah with Professor Rachel Elior (bio), “Magid Meisharim and Kabbalistic Thought,” May 20, 2013
ws310159.mp3 – Text here
Special Torah Lishmah with Rabbi Professor Arthur Green (bio), “Hasidic Texts On Shavuot,” May 6, 2013
ws310157.mp3 – Texts here, and here (English)
Special Luncheon and Study with Professor Amy-Jill Levine (bio) of Vanderbilt University, “The Jewish Annotated New Testament as a Resource for Promoting Positive J-C Relation, With a Focus on Problematic Texts and Themes in Christian Scripture and Preaching,” May 1, 2013
ws310156.mp3Torah Lishmah: “Like Two Ships That Pass in the Night: Why is Moses Absent from the Seder and why does Elijah come to Visit?” Rabbi Michael Balinsky, March 20,
2013 ws310155.mp3 – Text Torah Lishmah: “Hallel: From Psalms to Liturgy – Insights from Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik,” Rabbi Michael Balinsky, July 18, 2012
Pray Different IV: The Art of Cultivating Praying Hearts on Shabbat: Exploring Ways of Thinking and Ways of Doing, June 14, 2012
Session 1: ws310148.mp3
Session 2: ws310149.mp3
Main Packet of Texts
Shma Koleinu
Rashi – Genesis 1:1
Breakout groups:
Lizzi Heydemann
Jordan Bendat-Appell
Jewish Genetic Disorders: What Rabbis Should Know, April 18, 2012
“Surrogacy and Jewish Law, with a focus on Jewish case studies” – Dr. Laurence Jacobs
ws310146.mp3 – text here, Powerpoint presentation here
Rabbi Jason Miller, CBR monthly meeting, January 18, 2012
“From Real Time Pulpit to Virtual Pulpit: How to Share Your Torah in the Digital Age”
Social Media has helped make the borders of the global Jewish community non-existent. Rabbis can spread their Torah through Cyberspace by taking advantage of social networking sites and the blogosphere. Rabbi Jason Miller, “The Techie Rabbi,” will demonstrate best practices for increasing your digital reach and social amplification. With social media, you can help grow your congregation/organization’s brand and spread your Torah to a larger audience. We will explore the efficacy of social networking and Twitter, as well as the ethical and legal implications of rabbis in Cyberspace.
Rabbi Daniel Nevins and Rabbi Peter Rubinstein, Annual Study Institute for the Rabbinate and the Senior Staff of the JUF, November 30, 2011
“The American Rabbinate – Old Directions for New Times” – WS310141.mp3
Q & A session: WS310142.mp3
Professor Paul Mendes-Flohr, for the JUF Rabbinic Mission, 3rd Session, November 28, 2011
“German Jewry as a Mirror of the Modern Jewish Experience” – WS310139.mp3, text here
Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Appell, CBR monthly meeting, November 23, 2011
“Open Your Eyes: Jewish Mindfulness” – WS310129.mp3, text here
Professor David Shyovitz, for the JUF Rabbinic Mission, 2nd Session, November 8, 2011
“Jewish Life in Medieval Ashkenaz: Jews, Christians, and the Problem of ‘Influence'” – WS310128.mp3, text here
Professor David Shyovitz, for the JUF Rabbinic Mission, November 1, 2011
“Jewish Life in Medieval Ashkenaz: Origins, Communities, and the Problem of Sources” – WS310124.mp3, text here
Sukkot Torah Lishmah with Dr. Rachel Adler, October 18, 2011
Dr. Rachel Adler is Professor of Modern Jewish Thought and Judaism and Gender at Hebrew Union College-Los Angeles. She was one of the first theologians to integrate feminist perspectives and concerns into the interpretation of Jewish texts and the renewal of Jewish law and ethics. She is the author of Engendering Judaism (1999) which won the National Jewish Book Award for Jewish Thought.
“A Time to Weep” The Necessity of Lament for Synagogues and Individuals – WS310122.mp3
Chicago Board of Rabbis Sermon Seminar, August 31, 2011
Rabbi Stephen Pearce:
Any text that Rabbi Pearce refers to can be found in this sermon packet
Rabbi Victor Weissberg remembering our colleague Rabbi Fred Schwartz Z”L; and Rabbi Carl Wolkin presenting Rabbi Ellen Dreyfus with the Rabbi Mordecai Simon Memorial Award:
Video of Rabbi Ellen Dreyfus receiving the Rabbi Mordecai Simon Memorial Award can be found here
Torah Lishmah with Rabbi Yosef Leibowitz, Sefer Yonah, August 10, 2011
Rabbi Leibowitz is a well known educator and teacher who has taught at Pardes. It is strongly recommended to have the book of Jonah while listening to the recording.
Torah Lishmah, July 20, 2011
Rabbi Michael Balinsky, “Kedushah and Kaddish in the Thought of Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik”
WS310112.mp3 – Text here
Venues of Spirituality in the Study of Hasidic Texts: An Exploration
With Elie Holzer, June 16, 2011
Texts used:
The Myth of Sisyphus
The Voice of Liberal Learning
The Case of Shema
Venues of Spirituality
Chicago Board of Rabbis Kallah, May 18, 2011
Rabbi David Silber, “Rereading the Book of Ruth” – WS310106.mp3
Rabbi David Silber, “The Covenant of Sinai and the Plains of Moab” – WS310107.mp3
Chicago Jewish Population Study 2010, May 4, 2011
WS310104.mp3 – pdf here – *Please note – this is for CBR members eyes only. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE*
Professor Moshe Halbertal of Hebrew University and the Hartman Institute, March 21, 2011
Maimonides on the Laws of Mourning – WS310103.mp3
(Please note: It will help to have the text of Maimonides Laws of Mourning available as you listen in order to follow along)
Center For Jewish Genetic Disorders Panel Discussion, January 19, 2011
Included in Case Study Presentation:
Rabbi Aaron Melman, Congregation Beth Shalom
Board Member, Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders
Lee P. Shulman, M.D., FACOG, FACMG
Director, Division of Reproductive Genetics, Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Steven M. Tovian, PhD, ABPP, Health Psychologist
Board-certified in clinical health and clinical psychology
The Origins of The Mourner’s Kaddish, CBR General meeting, October 20, 2010
Professor David Shyovitz
WS310095.mp3 – text here
High Holiday Study Sessions led by CBR Colleagues, August 25, 2010
Rabbi Yehiel Poupko with Cantor Alberto Mizrahi – Unetane Tokef
WS310087.mp3 – text here
Rabbi Ellen Dreyfus – Contemporary Commentaries on the Akedah
WS310088.mp3 – text here
Rabbi Simcha Bob – Jonah Through the Eyes of the Classical Commentaries
Torah Lishmah: Rambam and Ramban on Repentance, August 11, 2010
Rabbi Michael Balinsky
Chaplain’s Yom Iyun, August 2, 2010
Dr. Robert Galatzer-Levy, Rabbi Michael Balinsky
Torah Lishmah: Torah Study as a Spiritual Practice, July 7, 2010
Rabbi Michael Balinsky
Pray Different III: Praying With Our Legs: Finding Passion and Purpose in Jewish Liturgy and Ritual, June 10, 2010
Rabbi Sharon Brous of IKAR in Los Angeles (flyer here)
Sermon Seminar and Kallah, June 9, 2010
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
Rabbi Goldin has served as spiritual leader of Congregation Ahavath Torah in Englewood, New Jersey, since 1984. He is vice president of the Rabbinical Council of America and the author of two books “Unlocking the Torah Text.” For more information on Rabbi Goldin click here.
WS310080.mp3 – text here on Rosh Hashana
WS310081.mp3 – text here on Yom Kippur
Ruth Messinger, American Jewish World Service, May 6, 2010
The number of people worldwide living in extreme hunger recently topped a billion, making alleviating hunger one of the most pressing global justice issues of our time. Hear Ruth Messinger, president of American Jewish World Service, speak about Fighting Hunger from the Ground Up, AJWS’s campaign to alleviate global food insecurity.
Living with Loss: Healing with Hope – Renewal of Spirit Conference, April 18, 2010
Rabbi Earl Grollman
ws310077.mp3 (click here for photos)
The Passover Hagadah
Rabbi Yehiel Poupko
The Spirit of the Rabbinic Sabbath, Thursday, March 18, 2010
Professor David Kraemer
Matrilineal vs. Patrilineal Descent: Conservative and Reform Perspectives, Thursday March 18, 2010
Professors David Kraemer and Mark Washofsky, Sponsored by the Center for Judaic law and Jewish Studies, Depaul University College of Law
Torah Lishmah, February 15, 2010
Shai Held’s “The Religion of Abraham and the Religion of Moses: Between Philosophy and Halakha”
In this session, we explored two models Maimonides sets up for the religious life– Abraham the philosopher, and Moshe the legislator. We saw how each approach tries to inculcate faith in God, and how each, in turn, seeks to combat the human temptation to idolatry. Finally, we asked whether and how the two are reconcilable– or even mutually reinforcing.
WS310063.mp3 – Text here(hebrew text here)
Rabbi Shai Held is co-founder and Rosh Yeshiva at Mechon Hadar and chair in Jewish Thought.
Torah Lishmah, November 4, 2009
Professor David Stern’s “The Akedah and the History of Jewish Reading”
David Stern is Moritz and Josephine Berg Professor of Classical Hebrew Literature at the University of Pennsylvania where he served for many years as Director of the Jewish Studies Program at Penn. Educated at Columbia College (B.A. 1972) and Harvard University (Ph.D. 1980), Stern was a Junior Fellow in Harvard’s Society of Fellows, and has taught at Princeton University, The University of Judaism in Los Angeles, the Hebrew University, and the University of Washington. He has received awards and fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the American Council of Learned Societies, the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, and the American Philosophical Society. He is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Jewish Research where he serves on its Executive Board.
Presentation by Hilary Kreiger, October 21, 2009
Hilary Krieger is the Washington Bureau Chief for The Jerusalem Post, Israel’s English-language daily newspaper. In Washington, she writes about the White House, State Department, Pentagon and Congressional policy on Israel, the wider Middle East and the Jewish community. She also spent extensive time on the campaign trail covering the 2008 presidential elections.
Presentation by Kalman Kaplan, September 8, 2009
“Fathers and Sons,” a reading of the Akedah by Professor Kalman J. Kaplan, Ph.D. with Elizabeth Jones, M. Div.
“A Biblical Approach to Mental Health” is a 36-hour continuing education course—all online—for professionals currently working in the mental health field, sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation. This course highlights the intersection between spirituality and mental health. One of the hallmarks of Dr. Kalman Kaplan’s work is comparing the Greek narratives, on which traditional psychology and psychotherapy are built, with selected Biblical narratives. This course is non-theological.and de-situates Biblical narratives into the arena of modern mental health. The Greek narratives are tragic, deterministic and fatalistic, with no possibility for change, whereas the Biblical narratives (although showing family dysfunction and conflict) have a hope-filled component and a positive outlook towards life. The Biblical narratives have the opportunity and possibility for change and redemption, with the hand of a loving, caring Divine Therapist/Creator available. The website for our course is
WS310056.mp3 – Powerpoint presentation here
Sermon Seminar, August 19, 2009
Rabbi Dr. Gordon Tucker from our annual Rabbi’s Sermon Seminar
WS310049.mp3 – Text here
WS310051.mp3 – Text here
Did you attend the Sermon Seminar? If so, please fill out this FEEDBACK SURVEY!
Pray Different II, August 12/13, 2009
A follow up program to June’s “Pray Different,” returning and new participants joined Rabbi Ebn Leader for an evening and day of learning and discussion about the High Holy Days. Below you can find all the sessions.
WS310044.mp3 – Text here
Chaplain’s Yom Iyun, June 4, 2009
Rabbi Julie Pelc, Assistant Director of The Kalsman Institute at HUC, at the Chaplain’s Yom Iyun held in Milwaukee, WI.
The Kalsman Institute unites spiritual leaders, healthcare providers and Jewish community members.
WS310041.mp3 – “The Suffering and the Servant: Who is Job?” – Text here
WS310042.mp3 – “On Sitting With Suffering: Who Are Job’s Friends” – Text here
Pray Different, June 1/2, 2009
With a combined effort from Jewish Jumpstart (out of LA) and the CBR, a very successful Pray Different program was put forward for 40 participants, rabbis, cantors, and religious leaders alike. Below are the sessions from the two day conference.
WS310032.mp3 – Rabbi Nancy Flam’s “The Individual in Community: Who Am I? Who Are We?” Text here
WS310033.mp3 – Rabbi Ebn Leader’s “Leading Tefilah as a Spiritual Practice”
WS310034.mp3 – Rabbi Elie Kaunfer’s “How Can I Pray What I don’t Believe?” Part I Text Here
WS310035.mp3 – Rabbi Elie Kaunfer, Part II
WS310036.mp3 – Rabbi Julia Andelman’s “Reimagining Prayer in Community: Strategies for Change”
WS310037.mp3 – Rabbi David Ingber’s “Don’t Eat the Recipe Book: Making a Prayer Nutritious”
CBR Kallah, May 20, 2009
Professor Allan Nadler on Elisha ben Abuyah. From the CBR’s annual Kallah.
Torah Lishmah, May 15, 2009
Daniel Matt’s Torah Lishmah on texts of the Zohar.
For copies of the text, please contact CBR.
Muslim-Jewish Relations March 18, 2009
WS310027.mp3 – Professor Jacob Lassner, the former Klutznick Professor of Jewish Civilization at Northwestern University and an expert on Islam and Judaism.
WS310028.mp3 – Panel of colleagues, Rabbis Andrea London, Asher Lopatin and Dan Sherbill, who discuss their efforts in this area.
Torah Lishmah, March 4, 2009
Tova Hartman’s Torah Lishmah.
Please first study the Oven of Achnai story in Baba Mezia 59B until the next Mishnah. The recording begins with the story of the herem of Rabbi Eliezer, but also includes a review of her initial points.
High Holy Day Preparation, September 19, 2008
Elie Holzer’s “On Listening, Prayer and Singing: Rabbis Personal Preparation for Rosh Hashanah.”
WS310017.mp3 – Text here
WS310018.mp3 – Text here
WS310019.mp3 – Text here
Midwest Regional Yom Iyun, September 8, 2008
Sessions included a shiur from Rabbi Gedaliah Dov Schwartz on Patient Autonomy and a Roundtable on Prayer with the Patient featuring Rabbi Norman Lewison, Cantor Jan Mahler and CPE Supervisor Phyllis Toback, moderated by Rabbi Joseph Ozarowski.
Sermon Seminar, September 3, 2008
Rabbi Dr. David Ellenson from the annual CBR Sermon Seminar.
Please note that the text for the second session was an extract from Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik’s The Lonely Man of Faith. You can link to it here.
For copies of the text, please click here.