
Chicago Board of Rabbis Kallah, May 17, 2017 

“Contemporary Literary-Theological Trends in Biblical Study” Audio
“Rabbinic Responses to Two of the Most Audacious Biblical Prayers” Audio Text
Presented by Rabbi Hayyim Angel

Chicago Board of Rabbis Kallah, May 18, 2016 

“Eating as an Ethical Experience”  Text Audio
“Praying to Die” Text Audio
Presented by Rabbi Professor Jonathan Crane

Chicago Board of Rabbis Kallah, May 20, 2015 

“Hearing God’s voice: Bringing Torah into the World”
Presented by Jonathan Slater – Part 1, Part 2,  Text

Chicago Board of Rabbis Kallah, June 11, 2014 

“What Rabbis Should Know about Academic Scholarship of the Talmud”
Presented by Northwestern University professor Rabbi Barry Wimpfheimer Audio

Chicago Board of Rabbis Kallah, May 18, 2011

Rabbi David Silber, “Rereading the Book of Ruth” – WS310106.mp3
Rabbi David Silber, “The Covenant of Sinai and the Plains of Moab” – WS310107.mp3

Sermon Seminar and Kallah, June 9, 2010

Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

Rabbi Goldin has served as spiritual leader of Congregation Ahavath Torah in Englewood, New Jersey, since 1984.  He is vice president of the Rabbinical Council of America and the author of two books “Unlocking the Torah Text.” For more information on Rabbi Goldin click  here .

WS310080.mp3  –  text here  on Rosh Hashana
WS310081.mp3  –  text here  on Yom Kippur

CBR Kallah, May 20, 2009

Professor Allan Nadler on Elisha ben Abuyah. From the CBR’s annual Kallah.

WS310031.mp3  – Text here.