
The Chicago Board of Rabbis is a multi-denominational organization of more than 180 rabbis serving the Jewish community in Chicago and surrounding areas.

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30 South Wells Street Suite 5007
Chicago, IL 60606

Find a Synagogue/Congregation

Click on the link below and scroll down to the section “Religion” to search.

Request a Chaplain Visit

People are invited to request pastoral care through JCFSChicago. Click the link below:

Find Locations to Attend High Holidays Services

Divrei Torah

Jewish principles dictate that we are always learning and exploring ideas together. The link below offers selected explorations of Torah portions written by our member rabbis

JCFS Chicago

Jewish Child and Family Services

JCFSChicago offers families and individuals a wide array of services and programs across the life course.

CJE SeniorLife

CJE SeniorLife offers programming and resources to support the needs of older adults and their families.

Domestic Abuse Support

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing domestic abuse, there is a national hotline:
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
Locally in Chicago, Shalva offers a complete array of services and support to victims of domestic abuse and with sensitivity to Jewish values and traditions.
JWI (Jewish Women International) works to empower women and girls so they can thrive in healthy relationships, control their financial futures and realize their full potential.

Guide to Jewish Living in Chicago

Jewish United Fund of Chicago annually publishes this compendium of resources within the greater Chicago Jewish community.