Our rabbis work in congregations, schools, summer camps, health care settings, communal organizations, and military bases.
Rabbis are part of a large ecosystem of communal resources. We can help you connect to the resources and opportunities you seek.
The CBR encourages rabbinic growth through Torah study, professional development, communal service, and ongoing dialogue.
Our membership includes more than 180 rabbis from all streams of Jewish life. Our members serve the community in many different settings. We work in congregations, Jewish day schools, Jewish camps, Hillels, Great Lakes Naval Base, hospitals, hospices, advocacy and human service organizations, and entrepreneurial initiatives.
Chicago, its suburbs, and surrounding areas are home to temples and synagogues representing all denominations of Jewish life. Some of these congregations are more than 100 years old while others have been created throughout the 20th and 21st centuries to respond to the needs of the Jewish community.
The professionally trained Jewish chaplains at JCFS Chicago offer welcoming and easily accessible spiritual support for individuals and families. Whether you or a loved one is homebound or in a hospital, hospice, treatment center or another facility, if you are impacted by illness, addiction, end-of-life, loss, loneliness, or other life challenges, JCFS chaplains are here for you.
This Guide to Jewish Living provides a comprehensive directory of Jewish services in the Chicagoland area.
We’re happy to answer any questions you have. Feel free to contact us via phone, email, or complete this form.